It's been a while, I agree... I'm sure we've changed in many subtle and big ways by now, this gang of misfits..
Some of us have gained weight and are dreading the return of normal life, some of us have lost so much weight they're now dreading heavy wind. People over here be walking with stones in their pockets...
Some of us never used to eat indomie and are now so used to it that they have a favourite way to do it. Some of us have graduated from indomie days and are eating a balanced diet daily. Those guys are all together surprised, proud and tired of their healthy ways
Maybe some of us have finally learned how to slaughter a chicken
Some of us aren't quite there yet, we are just trying not to burn our oddly shaped chapos.
We've probably improved our kiswahili vocabularies by now... We now know what words like "hadharani" mean. And we casually put them in our sentences to show people we mean business.
I'm sure we've had deeper inward changes as well... Some of us have lost people that held a crater sized place in our hearts. Some of us have lost ourselves, we look in the mirror nowadays and start at the strangers looking back at us.
Some of us have been moved to look beyond ourselves. To see our neighbours as souls and people, and the landlord too.
Some of us have just been strained to keep up with all the long distance relationships we've had to juggle, some of us are used to it by now.
Some of us have gotten into the dark dark corridors of our minds and not like what we've seen. Monsters we thought we put to bed are ruling those streets. They're asking you to pay parking if you intend to stay.
I'm sure we've all woken up and wondered "is this feeling in my throat normal or has Corona finally visited me?" I don't even know if we're allowed to get regular sick anymore...
Regardless, we locomote, we move. Even in all these changes. We have to, the world doesn't wait for us to catch our breath.
I was thinking about a friend of mine who has recently been through those things that change you. You know the ones... You encounter them (some times they're people) and sometimes you know but most times you aren't aware that it will leave you different.
I remember this particular day pre-corona, where we were just not feeling like going home early, or we were waiting for something, can't remember which was which. and we decided to window shop...
We decided to go to the guitar shop because even though I couldn't afford one at the time, I still wanted to see the ones they had in stock. And I don't know why we break our hearts like this. Its like we just want to fall in love with the unavailable ones.
I digress... So we go to the guitar shop and to my surprise we meet an unlikely friend of mine. Those friend of a friend who become your friend type of situations...
We talked for hours, her mostly telling us stories that we couldn't believe or relate to.
And something hit me... I should blog about it! Don't get me wrong, I'm not constantly looking for crazy or morbid stories just for just. At any rate they seek me out asking me (sometimes not too nicely) to share them to others.
I wrote it and thought, it wasn't ready... Now it is though.
I've taken too much of y'all's time already though, you have You tube videos to get back to and F.R.I.E.N.D.S reruns. And maybe work tomorrow. I'll catch you next week, when you're taking a break from gaming or D.I.Y hair or cooking or whatever floats these our boats these days.
But out of Curiosity, How are you really?
The digital painting is done by a cool human, catch her @lemani_the_first.
Can't wait for more😍