The list
Ah, yes, the season of family and shagz-going and meat eating and soda drinking and chapo eating has come. Also the season where aunties and uncles who don't really know you give you pieces of advice you wish they would keep to themselves.
Maybe this is the season we remember all those that could be with us but aren't.
Also this season is where you get to see cousins and laugh and cry with people who both infuriate you and push you to be more. The season has come.
And I hope you read this at the point where you feel like getting away in your mind, especially for introverts surrounded by a big family. Or when you're small cousins have played a prank on you and you need a breather. I hope you read this when you need to. It's not much really.
These were my favourite books this year, I've read about 60 and these among others inspired me. Some are repeatedly read so they become nullified in the list, like Harry Potter (which I've read 12 times).
Library of Fates by Aditi Khorana.
This book is only here because the concept is really cool. Plus who doesn't like urban fantasy? Imagine a writer who has kept a book of everything you did, you're doing and will ever do. So a bunch of guys start on this mission impossible task to find him, this writer so that he would rewrite their fates.
This one really brings you into their world. And I'm hoping no-one makes a movie on it, it will destroy my self created world.
Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor.
This is a really good book. I got goosebumps reading it. This is one of those books you can't put down. I've burned many dinners reading this books. It kept me home in my pajamas until I finished it and my mum would come in complaining about how I've done nothing all day to which I would reply
"You should thank God for my literacy, many people out there don't get the chance to read."
And thinking I won I would go back to the book only for her to ask
"Does your reading bring home rent? "
Which sounds worse in Kiswahili.
A Man of The People by Chinua Achebe.
This was a literature assignment. And I had given up on Chinua Achebe when I was in primary school then I tried to read my sister's set book. I think it was either this same book or An enemy of the people.
This time when I tried it though, I got why our lecturer was so passionate about him.He's funny in his own Nigerian way, To be honest, I think if Chinua Achebe was a woman, my lecturer would have paid great dowry for her, him, you know what I mean.
Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
Gah, this woman! It's like she puts her story in a big African pot, then puts all the right things to thicken her plot and then just for show, she adds aromat. Now I'm hungry, but this book will have you hating the bad guy so much. It's real and raw and leaves you wondering who put all those onions in there. (It was probably Chimamanda)
A General Theory of Oblivion by José Eduardo Agualusa.
This book was given to me when I wasn't the one next. You know how there's a chain of people waiting to read a book and you do the thing where you convince the one who just read you'll give it to the one who's next? Then you don't, not for two days. I read this book in hiding, and it's about a woman in Angola who locks herself in her room for (was it 3years?) A long time. Why? You'll have to read to find out.
Questions for Ada by Ijeoma Umebinyuo.
I literally finished this book today. And I agree with the one who recommended it. It's a book every female should read. I'm still processing, but read it guys.
Born a crime by Trevor Noah.
Uuuuwiiiiii. Who doesn't love Trevor Noah! It's his story told in his hilarious way. I found out about this book when I was going to my sister's parents day or prize giving or something like that. Strolling in naturally like I own the place, unsure parents were looking at me like I knew things they didn't so they asked me everything they wanted to know.
After helping the parents I could, I sat and opened a book to read, I felt that feeling like someone was reading the book with me. Normally, when this happens, I do one of two things, I read faster, so they don't catch up or if it's on my phone, I reduce the font.
The guy who was reading my book with me tells me I should read Born a crime after. He was so excited about me reading it that he gave me a copy. I read it and passed it to another stranger reading a book. I really have no words. Just read it.
A Million Little Pieces by James Frey
My All time favourite book. I need to get my own copy. Guys, do you hear? My birthday is in May there's time. I've read this book every year and every year I'm still surprised, shocked and saddened by it. It's an autobiography and I can't believe someone in their lives could go through those things.
All in all, the long year that is 2018 is almost over. Merry Christmas guys. Have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. And see you next year. Well, mostly likely.
Don't forget the reason for the season.
Photo by Mugoya Mokua.