Well Hello There...

You know that feeling when you're about to open yourself up to the world? You could be about to give a speech, or recite a poem, or dance, sing a song, or even eat food in front of thousands. Just before you get into the rhythm of the beat you're about to play or tear into your piece,there's a small instance.An instance where you feel the earth rumbling beneath your feet. As if its deciding if it should open up and swallow you, or raise the small mound around you and create a platform for your debut.

In that moment, you feel like things might never be the same from then on. Which is a bit chilling, but mostly exhilarating. And humbling, maybe a bit weird. Because who would have thought you, of all people, would be here.

That's kind of how I feel.


Did you know there are about 500,000 blogs so far? And a new one opens up every 40 seconds. So thank you for seeing this one, and thank you in advance for sticking around. I'll be your host.

May the odds be ever in my favour.


Ready for all of the greatness!
Manamana said…
Thanks... No pressure 😅

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