New seasons

I've been through my share of new experiences this year. I've been in situations that have stretched me physically, like climbing mountains and craters and riding bikes for what seemed like eternity. I've eaten some of the best food of my life, eaten truly horrible food with a smile on my face and also gone 72 hours without food or drink. I've made friends, I've lost friends. Lost versions of myself too. I started school and hey, I started a blog too (go me!)
Most of all I've had to deal with all kinds of people. In fact just last week, I was at a police station in Naivasha. And no, I wasn't saying hi to the good officers. And I realized some people start out seeming like cookie cutters. What you see is what you get. Then they surprise you. While others are more unexpected. Like finding  mosquitoes during the day, and they for sure surprise you. Either way you're surprised.
 This was my last teen year, It was my birthday yesterday... Well, depending on when you see this. And every day after my birthday I make a list of things I want to get done by my next birthday. Then I scrounge up last year's list, and discover that I actually did everything on it. Without even checking (Yes yes, I'm a ninja like that.)
So after all I've been through I know for sure I've done everything on the list and then some. Like those kids who did homework, wrote notes and even did extra work on top of revision papers, when you didn't even know there was homework. So I go to check for my list for the year and remember, I didn't have a check list this time.
Normally, I'd write things like; taste apple pie or rhubarb cake. Then I'd write some more serious stuff, like; climb Mt Kenya or learn how to play bar chords. I'd even put silly stuff on there like; Tie a stranger's shoelaces or have a day where I'm as useless as the g in lasagna.
 Last year I didn't write.  Mostly because I wanted to have many unlimited experiences. I suppose if that was my list, I actually finished it.
This year when I sat down to count down to my birthday, It hit me, it was my last chance to have the word 'teen' to my age. And what a scary thought it was.
When I was a kid I thought people who were this age we're sooo oooold. Like knocking on heaven's gates old. So old they probably need to start saying goodbye to their people.
Now I'm that old. And I feel like I need to ask myself things I didn't need to ask myself when I still claimed a 'teen' to my name. Now I need to ask myself what I think about global warming and the cost of living in Nairobi. What about the economy of Kenya? Also, now that I've been proverbially raised by the village, how soon do they expect me to start giving back? And for crying out loud are zebras white with black stripes or black with white stripes?  And does any of this matter in the long scheme of things?
This is right around the time where all the people who passed my age mark a while (or a long while) ago start to tell me, young lady, hold your horses. You think you're old? Wait till you're my age. I'm sure Aunt Mo (Hi Aunt Mo) is thinking, when you ask such questions now, what will you ask when you're my age? But guys, cut me some slack, I've only been at this for a day.
I intend on making the most of this year though. I want to get into even more new experiences. Travel more, maybe learn how to fish, Climb more mountains, eat more chips mwitu, maybe even experience more wilderness.
Wait,  on second thought,  I'm not sure about that last one. I've been chased by ostriches, hippos, baboons,  elephants, and a few other animals which constitute most of the wildlife I've interacted with. Maybe I'll give them another chance though. I think I might even do a few things people do when they're on second floor (always wanted to say that)
If only I knew what twenty year olds do though. Guys? Any ideas? I know, I know,  you came here thinking you'd just read and be on your way, but do drop your two cents (even if you're not yet there). If you were turning twenty,  what's the one thing you'd love to do before the year ends?
I promise to take it all under advisement.


Victory said…
I'll need some advice as well 😂 I've been 20 for half a year and I'm not sure what special thing I've done with it 😂

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